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Profile Type

Frontend Developer







Looking for a new role!

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About Me

About Me

Hi, I'm Olga! 👋

I'm a 26-year-old frontend developer who is passionate about creating engaging and user-friendly web experiences.

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Tailwind : NextJs
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on React projects. If you have ideas for PET project and need a frontend developer, feel free to ask!
  • ⚡ My current Stack:
    Programming languages: JavaScript, TypeScriptFrameworks: React, Vue(basic)

    State managers: Redux Redux-Toolkit RTK Query

    Styling: CSS, SaSS, Less, Bootstrap, Tailwind

    VCS: Git, GitHub, GitLab

    Component libraries: MaterialUI, AntDesign, MUI, styled-components, Swiper

    Tests: Jest

    Also: BEM, NPM, Webpack, ES6

  • My hobbies: language learning, music and hiking
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