Andrei Martianov - С#-программист, DevOps, Unity developer



  • Android
  • Ansible
  • Blazor
  • blockchain
  • C# and Unity3D (VR
  • CI/CD
  • CSS
  • Grafana
  • HTML
  • Infrastructure
  • iOS) Gitlab
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Kubernetes
  • Linux
  • LLM
  • MAUI
  • PHP
  • React
  • SQL
  • VMware Python
  • Zabbix

Experience (hypercasual games publisher)

C# Developer, DevOps, PM - 2021-2023

Based on an analytics team specification I have come up with an idea on how we should build and automate the daily Extract-Transform-Load process.
Developed in solo from scratch C# console app for importing analytics data from multiple sources: REST APIs, AWS S3, Adjust, Applovin, Appsflyer,Facebook Ads -> Big Query, S3 buckets at GCP (Google Cloud Platform).
Added Google SpreadSheet integration as a control tool for running on-demand custom data imports and making the app accessible for non-technical users.
Created app logging and server usage monitoring.
Configured deploy and CI/CD: Digital Ocean Droplet running a dockerized app.
Visualised performance metrics in Data Studio, wrote documentation, created logging system with Serilog, Seq and OpenTelemetry
Created and operated mission critical everyday tool for a team of 50 producers and analysts.
Experience with web: Blazor, ASP.NET, Javascript (React, Strapi, Meteor), GraphQL, HTML, CSS, MSSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Postman. (3d-printed hardware, VR and mobile prototypes)

C# Developer, Unity3D Developer, Gamedesigner - 2019-2021

Built-in Unity components: Unity Analytics, Unity Ads, Unity IAP (in-app purchases), Profiler, Scriptable objects
Version control: Git CLI, Git LFS, GitKraken, Sourcetree
Animation: Unity animator + DOTWeen, Animation Rigging, Timeline + Cinemashine
Multiplayer matchmaking and lobby: Photon Unity Networking
Editor: OpenUPM (alternative package manager), Odin Inspector, Custom editors
Level design: Archimatix, ProBuilder, ProGrid
AI: Behaviour Tree Designer, FSM (Finite State Machines)
External tools: Azure Computer Vision,Google Play Services (highscore, cloud saves), Admob, Android Studio, ADB, X-code
Hardware SDK: SteamVR, OculusVR (Quest, Rift), RaspberryPi, Microsoft Kinect 2.
UI and prototyping: TextMeshPro, Modern UI, Pencil, Figma, Axure RP
Project Management: Jira, Confluence, Trello
Remote work tools for team: Self-hosted dockerized Gitlab & Confluence, Zabbix, Netdata, Datadog, Portainer, Game Backend
High score tables: dockerized NodeJs JSON API (Strapi Headless CMS +MariaDB)
Backups of all of the above with Duplicati (immersive theater, quest room)

Project manager - 2016-2018

Making stuff operate smoothly. Optimizing routines. Extinguishing fires. (quest game, escape room)

Entrepreneur, PM, gamedesigner, HR, marketer, jack of all trades - 2014-2016

Inventing stuff from scratch, BizDev, CusDev, talking to people, game balance, talents, construction, advertising, making sure bathroom is perfect.
Won “Quest of the year 2016”
Tons of 10/10 from players.
This project is an achievement I am really proud of.
Check photos, link above. (ISP, Datacenter)

System administrator, datacenter engineer - 2011-2014

UNIX, Redmine, Zabbix, Cacti, rack grooming, incident response, installing new hardware (ISP)

Tech support, system administrator - 2005-2011

FreeBSD, Cisco, routing, DNS, DHCP, NAT, ActiveDirectory, SMTP, VPN, VMware, VirtualBox


Bachelor's degree in " Informatics in metrology and quality management"

Moscow State Technological University of Heavy Machines and Tools "Stankin"

About me

Soft skills

  • Keep calm & carry on
  • Always learn and share knowledge. Can't ignore a good question
  • Cat-like curiosity. New framework? Let's go!
  • Teamplayer or self-sufficient solo, depending on the situation
  • Translator between tech and business people. Building bridges between worlds
  • Believe it or not, I like refactoring
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