Sabina Dzhumalieva - IT Project Manager

  • Middle
  • 50 000 - 170 000 RUB/MONTH
  • Full Time
  • Ready for remote work
  • Open to relocation
  • Updated 12 months ago


  • Confluence
  • Discord
  • Figma
  • Jira
  • Kanban
  • Miro
  • notion
  • Roadmap
  • Scrum
  • Trello
  • UX/UI
  • Worksection
  • Сanva


LogiSense ltd (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)

IT Project | Product Manager - Sep 2022 - Sep 2023

Implemented a web service for sending messages (sms/email)
– Implemented a web platform for the management of employees, their
virtual wallets and documentation
– Key functions of the projects: creation of an automated mailing service by
mail and messages, creating a platform for managing employees and their virtual wallets, implementation of the payment system, localization, authorization of users through social networks (google, twitter, facebook), embedding chat, integration with Excel – uploading reports, working with push notifications.
– Teams consisted of 4-5 people on average
– Analyzing the needs of the project and providing a technical solution and
timelines for implementation of the solution
– Leading project planning sessions
– Conducting project reviews and creating detailed reports for executive staff
– Collected product ideas and requirements from stakeholders and created
prototype in figma for visual understanding of ux/ui

Neolabs / Neobis school of programming (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)

IT Project Manager - Dec 2021 - June 2022

Implemented a website and a mobile application for the delivery of indoor plants
– Implemented a website and a mobile application for renting goods
– Teams consisted of 5 people
– Project management by agile methodology (sprint planning, prioritization
and evaluation of tasks, testing, demonstration, retrospective, task board
– Preparation of project documentation
– Preparation of a weekly report on the status of projects
– Organization of the work of the development and design team (5 people)
– Daily work support and problem solving
– Prioritization, evaluation, creation and allocation of tasks

I Can Technologies (Austria, Vienna)

IT Project Manager - April 2021 - Sep 2022

Successfully implemented mmorpg mobile game on unity:
“Elysium Infinity”
Android – siumInfinity&hl=en&gl=US&pli=1
– Teams consisted of 4 people
– Assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant
internal stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility
– Measure performance using appropriate project management tools and
– Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation
– Meet with clients to take detailed ordering briefs and clarify specific
requirements of each project
– Track project performance, specifically to analyze the successful
completion of short and long-term goals


Tourism and Hotel Management

European University of Lefke

About me

Являюсь проектным менеджером, обладаю стратегическим мышлением, которое облегчает формулирование и реализацию задач. Ориентирована на развитие доверия и сотрудничества, также я за постоянное обучение и повышения профессионализма, для создания высокоэффективных команд. Умею следить за трендами целевой аудитории, анализировать конкурентов, рынки и положение дел в стране и мире, чтобы понимать, какой у проекта потенциал, и куда его можно двигать даже в кризисной ситуации.

– Понимание бизнес-планов и процессов управления рисками

– Сильные навыки межличностного общения, необходимые для руководства командой

– Способность интерпретировать инструкции независимо от их формы

– Опыт работы с инструментами управления проектами

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