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Product Manager







Content Manager / Product Manager (content / UX)

Open To Work

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About Me

About Me

Was fully responsible for content (product and marketing) on large e-commerce projects. Managed processes of content generation and publication on the website.

Organized work on creating product cards/moderating reviews/writing content for the website (over 10 subordinates both in-house and outsourced).

Interacted with suppliers on content creation and acquisition issues.

Formulated hypotheses, tested and analyzed changes.

Compiled specifications for back-end and front-end modifications for developers.

Worked with an SEO contractor – implemented their specifications on the website, analyzed changes made, and handled payments.

Achievements in the last job:

Created a diagram of existing business processes;

Identified areas for change in these processes and steps to implement these changes;

Improved communication with clients – employee workflows, guides for clients;

Initiated the development of a loader for promo materials on the website and mobile app.

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