Arayik Suqiasyan - Frontend Developer

  • Middle
  • Armenia
  • 200 000 - 240 000 RUB/MONTH
  • Full Time
  • Ready for remote work
  • Open to relocation
  • Updated 5 months ago


  • Angular
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Native



React, React Native Developer - 2020/Sep - 2021/Dec

I started my career about 3+ years ago with my first job at the Minnova campaign where I worked with React and React
Native. The campaign was divided into two branches – Inkin Health and Inkin Fitness – and comprised both web and
mobile applications. During my time there, I worked on various features including integrating Google Maps,
developing forms and modals, and connecting a Java plugin to track user's phone steps. As the project was an older
one, I had to work with class components.

Sezame Wallet

React Native Developer - 2022/Jan - 2022/Jul

This is my second job working on an outsourced campaign app called Sezame Wallet, which we developed for mobile
apps using React Native. It was an opportunity for me to explore React Native in more detail, and the app is now
available on the App Store. Firstly, I fixed all the status bar issues because it was originally developed only for
Android, and they forgot or couldn't test it on iOS. After that, I implemented face identification (Face ID) and added an
authentication secret phrase. I also worked on the bottom tab navigation logic. Finally, I had to connect the camera
and work with QR codes. With the help of Framer Motion, we added a lot of animation that gave color to this project.


React Developer - 2022/Jul - 2022/Dec

I had another involvement in a project called Airdrop. This website is designed for cryptocurrency airdrops and uses
web3 technologies. We also had partner airdrops featured on our site, which allowed users to claim rewards by
connecting their wallets directly on the site. Additionally, I developed a NestJS backend linked to MongoDB. The entire
project was built using TypeScript and the Redux Saga technology

Truck in Digital

React Developer - 2022/Sep - 2023/Mar

I had another project called Truck in Digital. It was the biggest and most challenging project of my career. I built
everything from scratch using various libraries and had the opportunity to work extensively with hooks and custom
components. The project included a Trimble map feature, but it was challenging to integrate the JavaScript plugin into
React. The forms were complex and had numerous validations, making them confusing at times, but we were able to
complete everything to the satisfaction of all involved. I worked extensively with tables, creating manual filtering and
working with the backend to update the tables using PusherJs in real-time mode. Users could track the location of
their trucks and the status of their goods with GPS. There were also complex features for calculating the capacity of
the truck body.


Angular Developer - 2023/Apr - 2023/Jul

During my tenure at Pasco, I was involved in an Angular development project where I successfully designed and
implemented a reusable user interface. This project focused on building a website that facilitated the connection
between suppliers and adult clients.


Angular Developer - 2023/Jul - 2024/Apr

Immersed in the exciting world of web application development, I was part of a project covering the sports betting industry, based on Angular and WebSocket technologies. In this exciting project, where there was something new and exciting every day, I got to experiment with different designs and concepts.

We have successfully integrated WebSocket to provide instant data transfer, which has become a critical element for the sports betting platform. Our team actively took advantage of the SCSS preprocessor and mixins to create stylish and user-friendly interfaces that improved the user experience.

Each partner required an individual approach, and for this we had to develop scripts and use Pug to dynamically render HTML pages. This approach allowed us to effectively tailor the interface to each client's unique needs, delivering a personalized experience.

Working on this project was not only a professional challenge, but also an inspiring journey into the world of innovation and technical excellence. Every step along the way was a chance to expand my knowledge and skills in web development, making this project a memorable and important step in my career.


финансы и контроль

European University Of Armenia

About me

Мне нравится создавать надежные и масштабируемые интерфейсные продукты.
с отличным пользовательским опытом.
Высокая квалификация в прогрессивном
усовершенствование, проектирование систем
и разработка пользовательского интерфейса.
Опыт работы более трех лет
в создании продуктов для клиентов
в нескольких странах.
За 3 года своей карьеры я работал над многими проектами.
для этого требуются навыки разработки React, React Native, Angular.
При создании приложений JavaScript я владею
только правильные инструменты и могут функционировать абсолютно независимо
из них для предоставления быстрых и отказоустойчивых решений, оптимизированных для масштабирования —
Производительность и масштабируемость являются для меня приоритетами.

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