Dmitrii Efimov - Android Engineer

  • Senior
  • Montenegro, Podgorica
  • 4 500 EUR/MONTH
  • Temporary | Full Time | Part Time
  • Ready for remote work
  • Open to relocation
  • Updated 3 days ago


  • Analytics: Firebase Appsflyer Amplitude FaceBook
  • data flows: Coroutines/Flow RxJava2
  • Database: SQLite Room
  • DI frameworks: Dagger2/Hilt Koin
  • Experienced with CI/CD Gitlab Github
  • Experienced with UI architecture: MVP(Moxy) MVVM MVI (Decompose MVICore)
  • Jetpack components Compose Material Design 3
  • Multi-Module project with Gradle
  • Multithreading
  • Navigation frameworks: Cicerone Jetpack Navigation
  • Network: Retrofit Ktor KotlinX Serialization Moshi Gson
  • Programming language: Kotlin
  • Version control: Git


LLC MoneyTlee

Senior Android Engineer - 2021-2024


Power Plant Automatization

Kazan State Energy University

About me

I'm an experienced Android Developer with 6+ years of experience developing and maintaining mobile applications.

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