Nsagha Kingsly - Full Stack Developer

  • Senior
  • Cameroon
  • 2 000 - 5 500 USD/MONTH
  • Temporary | Full Time | Freelance | Part Time
  • Ready for remote work
  • Open to relocation
  • Updated 3 months ago


  • Electron
  • Flask
  • JavaScript
  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Nativescript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Socket
  • Vue.js



Web Developer - February 2017 - March 2018

Skills: Laravel, PHP, Nginx, Vue.js, WordPress
Built 4 Websites for the company's Clients
• A school website to publicize their school GINAPS.• Website for the company AfrovisionGroup.
• An NGO website.
• A Fashion Design Website
• Maintained the Nukeboard application.


BackEnd Developer - March 2019 - January 2020

Skills: Microservices, Laravel, Lumen, PHP, Vue.js
• Built Backend Microservice for Wazapay project which was initially built as a monolithic
• Build a backend for the Bitafrox application for currency exchange.
• Assisted the front End Developers on Vue.js projects


Senior Full Stack - June 2020 - December 2020

Skills: Laravel, Lumen, PHP, Nginx, Vue.js, NativescriptVue
• Designed and built the TeksMoney Backend and Mobile applications.
• Built the Hallelujah Online Travel system for bus ticketing & Mobile applications.
• Assisted the front end in Vue.js to build the Websites


Full Stack(Freelance) - March 2018 - Present

Skills: Laravel, Lumen, Microservices, Express Gateway, PHP, MySQL, Vue.js, ElasticSearch, Redis, Nginx, Docker,
Apache, Git, JavaScript. Socket.io, Python, Flask, Selenium, Nativescript, Electron, Linux
• Online Shopping application for merchants around to sell items using the local payment methods(Mobile Money)
• Advertisement platform for clients to advertise their business on social media and users to share and monetize their likes and shares (SMAds)
• Built the backend of a recipe application(CookMe) to authenticate & collect data from a third party, manipulate then send it to the mobile application.
• Build a bulk SMS service to handle sending SMS to multiple clients.
• Worked on a shop system that included image search with elastic search and python
• Developed the Unidevelopers site to showcase my products and skills.
• Developed a Local Payment system UniPay for developers to use my APIs to build payments for their clients.
• Created a local food delivery system for a client FoodTracker237
• Developed a shop administrator for clients to manage shop, and sales, and provide reports FinancialMaster
• Built TalkSolve for students to communicate and share past questions and answers
• Developed Mac and PC applications for the Marist District of West Africa:
o An application for their yearly financial management
o Application for Office Document location and to ease keeping of soft copies


Bachelors in Computer Engineering

University Of Buea
October 2014 - December 2016

About me

Company: UniDevelopers, Buea – Full Stack(Freelance)

Skills: Laravel, Lumen, Microservices, Express Gateway, PHP, MySQL, Vue.js, ElasticSearch, Redis, Nginx, Docker, Apache, Git, JavaScript. Socket.io, Python, Flask, Selenium, Nativescript, Electron, Linux

Work Done:

  • Online Shopping application for merchants around to sell items using the local payment methods (Mobile Money) (Dashboard, Site, Mobile)
  • Worked on Victorum Group CRM and provided APIs for their Online Shop(Victorum Trade)
  • Advertisement platform for clients to advertise their business on social media and users to share and monetize their likes and shares (SMAds)
  • Built the backend of a recipe application(CookMe) to authenticate & collect data from a third party, manipulate then send it to the mobile application.
  • Build a bulk SMS service to handle sending SMS to multiple clients.
  • Worked on a shop system that included image search with elastic search and python
  • Developed the Unidevelopers site to showcase my products and skills.
  • Developed a Local Payment system UniPay for developers to use my APIs to build payments for their clients.
  • Created a local food delivery system for a client FoodTracker237
  • Developed a shop administrator for clients to manage shop, and sales, and provide reports FinancialMaster
    Built TalkSolve for students to communicate and share past questions and answers
  • Developed Mac and PC applications for the Marist District of West Africa:
    • An application for their yearly financial management
    •  Application for Office Document location and to ease keeping of soft copies

: TeksTedia, Buea – Senior Full Stack
Skills: Laravel, Lumen, PHP, Nginx, Vue.js, NativescriptVue

Work Done:

  • Designed and built the TeksMoney Backend and Mobile applications.
  • Built the Hallelujah Online Travel system for bus ticketing & Mobile applications.
  • Assisted the front end in Vue.js to build the Websites

Company: WazaHub, Buea – BackEnd Developer
Skills: Microservices, Laravel, Lumen, PHP, Vue.js

Work Done:

  • Built Backend Microservice for Wazapay project which was initially built as a monolithic Application.
  • Build a backend for the Bitafrox application for currency exchange.
  • Assisted the front End Developers on Vue.js projects

Company: Njorku, Buea – Web Developer
Skills: Laravel, PHP, Nginx, Vue.js, WordPress
Work Done:

Built 4 Websites for the company's Clients

  • A school website to publicize their school GINAPS.
  • Website for the company AfrovisionGroup.
  • An NGO website.
  • A Fashion Design Website
  • Maintained the Nukeboard application.
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