Priority Registration in GeekLink

Hello everyone ✋

It's April 5th outside, which means we have opened priority registration in GeekLink today!

Initially, we planned to provide access to priority registration only for HR/recruiters/employers, but as the candidate functionality is also ready, IT professionals can register their accounts in priority mode.

What is the point of priority registration?

From April 5th to 18th, access to the site is only possible after registration and authorization. For search engines and guests, access will be closed until April 19th.

Participants who register during this period will be able to prepare their accounts for the full release, add jobs and resumes, acquire useful contacts, and start their own blog.

On April 19th, we will open access for search engines, unauthorized site guests, and launch advertising campaigns. Participants who took advantage of priority registration will be the first to receive targeted traffic to their job vacancies and resumes.

We have launched an FAQ section where we publish answers to frequently asked questions. If you have a question/suggestion that is not there, write to me privately or through the feedback form.

Talk to you soon!

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