Job Vacancy Posting in Telegram Channels

Hello again everyone! Today, I want to share another interesting feature that is already available for HR specialists, recruiters, and direct employers at GeekLink.

From now on, when publishing a job vacancy on the GeekLink platform, employers can post the job vacancy in relevant thematic Telegram channels with just one click and completely free of charge.

Update as of February 11, 2023: We've added 3 more channels to the network. Now, the GeekLink Telegram network includes 29 platforms with job vacancies and resumes.

Here is the list of Telegram channels with IT job vacancies:






Other Areas

Competency Levels

How to add a job vacancy to Telegram channels?

To add a job vacancy to one or several of the mentioned Telegram channels, you need to check the “Post to Telegram” checkbox when publishing the job vacancy on the GeekLink platform.

The job posts will be published in the relevant channels from the above list in the order of the queue. For example, a job vacancy for “Unity Game Developer” will be published in the channels “Job Vacancies for Developers” and “Job Vacancies GameDev, Unity, and Unreal Engine”.

In what format are job vacancies published? Job vacancies are posted according to a set template:

💼 New job vacancy: job vacancy title

Company: Company Name (Company Location) Categories: #Selected categories as hashtags Employment Type: #Selected employment types as hashtags Filters: #Selected filters as hashtags Salary: Your specified salary or range + selected currency.

Preview “Description” of your job vacancy, first 800 characters…

➡️ More details and application on – link to your job vacancy.

We pay special attention to the development of Telegram, which ultimately allows us to attract more suitable candidates for employers and helps job seekers find worthy opportunities.

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    Published in About GeekLink, Search for employees

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