Updated Job Search

Hello everyone! Our beloved recruiters, HR professionals, and direct employers have added over 600 IT job vacancies to GeekLink, so the convenience of the search has become even more relevant. I'm pleased to announce that we have practically rethought the navigation of the job catalog and made it better.

So, what have we done:

  1. We moved “Office work”, “Remote work”, “Relocation” from the types of employment to additional filters.
  2. There we also added a “Hybrid mode” that is quite popular among advertisers, which combines “office” and “remote” work.
  3. Added 5 new filters: Intern, Junior, Middle, Senior, and Lead.

All these filters can be combined and matched with types of employment, keywords, categories, and locations.

Due to the changes, the form for posting vacancies has changed slightly:

A field with multiple selection of new filters has appeared, which also included the aforementioned “Office work”, “Remote work”, and “Relocation”.

Also, our moderation has already made changes to all published vacancies considering the data provided by the employers. In any case, you can check how your vacancies are displayed and make necessary corrections if needed.

In addition, we have updated the guides for posting effective job vacancies and resumes taking into account the latest update.

✍️ Do you have new ideas for improving GeekLink? Feel free to write in the comments or to me in private messages. As you can see, we respond to feedback with a practical approach.

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    Published in About GeekLink, Job search, Search for employees

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